Celebrating Learning Disability Awareness Week 2024, we explore how graduates with learning disabilities can be seen, heard, and valued while navigating the job market.

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Explore the vibrant world of graduate jobs in operations, uncovering opportunities, skill requirements, and career paths for 18-24-year-old students entering the workforce.

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Hi, I’m Farrah AKA The Grad Coach on socials. But what you probably don’t know is I’m somewhat of an expert in rejection.

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Dive into the exhilarating world of marketing with our essential guide for graduates. Uncover the secrets to a successful career in marketing and pave your way to an exciting future.

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Who determines how our homes are built, our cities structured, our green spaces maintained, and our local areas linked together? Planners.

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The trick is to spin a flaw into a strength by crafting an answer demonstrating genuine honesty, self-awareness, and a desire to grow. In this blog we go through the process of crafting the best...

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Choosing a career can be a daunting task for many graduates, however, one career path that is often overlooked but has tremendous potential is becoming an insurance broker. This is a career path...

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English graduates often feel unprepared for leaving university. You have more options and more skills than you may think. Read on to find out how to make the most out of your degree in English...

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We work so hard to get to the end of a degree and can’t wait to feel that sense of relief as we hand in our final assignment. But what about after that? Life may not be what we expected. Filled with...

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The best candidates know how to play the game and naturally sell themselves; providing evidence of their talents, work ethic, and character.

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Since graduating three years ago, I have found my own ways of standing out in a crowded market now booming with new opportunities, albeit the process has not been easy.

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crowd of students and employers at a career fair

Career fairs may feel intimidating, their purpose is usually to find out about roles and opportunities, company cultures and networking. These kinds of events can be extremely useful if you go...

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If there’s one thing that everyone will tell you about university, it’s that you’re going to be broke. Most freshers are living away from home for the first time in their lives and, while that brings...

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I had just finished my last exam, and was celebrating in one of the beer gardens on campus with my course mates. I phoned my Grandpa – it was his birthday, and he wanted to know how my exam went. I...

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By the time I finished university and started applying to grad schemes, I had lots of interests and a variety of work experience on my CV. It felt a bit daunting to choose a career path that, at the...

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University is often referred to as one of the most ‘care-free’ times of your adult life. It’s a place where you can party, stay up late, and have fun without worrying about getting up for work the...

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With the graduate job market becoming increasingly competitive, students are now having to go the extra mile to bag their dream career. Whether this involves taking on an internship, placement, or...

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When you receive a job offer from your dream employer, it can be all too tempting to accept on the spot. But this can cause serious problems further down the line, and it’s important to consider...

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Many candidates fail to prepare enough answers for their graduate interviews, only considering the most common questions that they are likely to be asked. Although all interviews will want to cover...

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It's no secret that looking for a job can be soul-destroying. So, why not take a quick procrastination break to lift your spirits with our top 12 reasons why job hunting is the worst...

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