Your everyday, traditional CV looks a bit like this: endless compact rows of words jam-packed with buzzwords and action verbs. You use these words hoping that you will catch the attention of automated...

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When you apply for a job, you will likely be asked to write a cover letter. This letter is the first chance your potential employer will get to hear from you in your own words, away from the formulaic...

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Does a part-time job really help prepare you for a career? Speaking as a long-term employee of one particular high-street store, I have learned my fair share, often wondering how this knowledge will...

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London's biggest spring graduate careers fair is back for 2018. Hosted by the University of London at Senate House this Wednesday, make sure you pre-register in order to guarantee attendance...

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work network meeting

Don't miss the London Graduate Fair this Wednesday 21st June at Senate House. Meet over 75 prospective employers and training providers across many sectors. Register now to get your free ticket...

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The GRB Blog

With a new year soon upon us, it's worth looking back at the top 5 CV faux pas of 2015 so we don't make the same mistakes next year...

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The GRB Blog
CVsGraduate Jobs

For every new job application, you should be tweaking your CV and constantly deliberating over the layout, the styling and your choice of words - but have you chosen rightly?

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dog sad

A little white lie here and there may seem like the right thing to do to get you a menial job, but you never know how far down your career these lies will surface and what damage they can do...

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hand chalkboard writing

As a self-professed grammar pedant, Lizzi Hart discusses her pet hate for basic grammar and spelling mistakes. Funnily enough you may not share the same passion, but with all the written aspects of...

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laptop desk work pen

The end of this academic is fast approaching, so why not take some of your time off during the Easter break and check that you are ticking all the metaphorical boxes with our CV quiz?

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laptop desk work ofice

Ahhh the CV, an art form in itself, a window into the personality of a graduate and a stepping stone to greater things. Although education and experience generally speak for themselves, they don't...

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The GRB Blog

Why? Because GRB experts have researched the last years most successful CVs and Cover Letters that landed a job and launched a new 2014 Makeover Kit just for you. You won't find this anywhere else.

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The GRB Blog
CVsGraduate Jobs

One of life's hardest missions is treading the fine line between using your CV to make you appear as the best person in the world for the job that you are applying for, without coming across as brash...

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Graduate JobsCVs

When applying for graduate jobs, most people will be eager to make a good impression and spend time on their application forms. Still, there may be a few who leave all the work to the last minute,...

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Graduate JobsCVs

When completing an application form it is important to have a CV that stands out. Application forms are designed to assess the skills of potential employees, through what they say and how they say it....

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The GRB Blog
Graduate JobsCVs

The busy lives of your potential employers means they often will only have time to scan through your CV, as opposed to dwelling over your carefully constructed sentences. It is therefore important...

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When you apply for a job, it is more than likely that the first impression a potential employer will form of you will be based on your CV. As such, it cannot be overemphasised that there is really no...

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There is a lot of emphasis put by careers services on constructing the perfect CV. While your CV is undoubtedly very important for chronicling your qualifications and employment history, the bullet...

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Graduate JobsCVs

Everyone knows the truth: that there are far too many graduates per job position in the current economic climate. It's a sad fact that with every job you apply to, there are guaranteed to be many...

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Graduate JobsCVs

This is an odd one because I'm not a mind reader or a stalker. I don't have a clue what you've done with your CV, and I'm definitely in no position to comment about what you may or may not have...

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