Celebrating Learning Disability Awareness Week 2024, we explore how graduates with learning disabilities can be seen, heard, and valued while navigating the job market.

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Explore the vibrant world of graduate jobs in operations, uncovering opportunities, skill requirements, and career paths for 18-24-year-old students entering the workforce.

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Hi, I’m Farrah AKA The Grad Coach on socials. But what you probably don’t know is I’m somewhat of an expert in rejection.

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It’s widely acknowledged that numerous industries still face challenges regarding gender representation. In operations, women make up only a fraction of professionals, highlighting a significant...

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Navigating the path to a fulfilling engineering career post-university can seem as complex as a calculus exam. But fear not! Whether you're a soon-to-be grad or have just tossed your cap,...

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Dive into the exhilarating world of marketing with our essential guide for graduates. Uncover the secrets to a successful career in marketing and pave your way to an exciting future.

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Part-time jobs can be overwhelming during Uni, so we've found a solution for you to choose your own hours whilst earning money and incentives! Introducing, GRB Affiliates!

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Who determines how our homes are built, our cities structured, our green spaces maintained, and our local areas linked together? Planners.

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The trick is to spin a flaw into a strength by crafting an answer demonstrating genuine honesty, self-awareness, and a desire to grow. In this blog we go through the process of crafting the best...

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As a student, do you find yourself justifying your academic achievements or writing off your early professional experiences as unexplainable or the result of luck? Imposter syndrome is the condition...

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As a student, the best gift you can give yourself over the holidays is a good rest, but this goes beyond just getting a good night's sleep. The last thing you want is to enter the new term already...

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Whether you are a first year faced with your first assessment period, a returning student starting to branch out to other commitments or in your final year trying to do it all before your university...

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A few weeks ago I stood in Greek heat peeking my nose over a hotel wall. What should have evoked happy holiday memories of six years earlier jogged something quite depressing instead.

‘The scene of...

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One in every five UK students say they don’t have a ‘true friend’ at University, according to a survey of more than 12,000 second and third years nationally. So what qualities should you look for in a...

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Congratulations on embarking on your university journey and moving away! At this point, you have probably filled up your shopping carts with living essentials, but you may not have considered that...

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You may have been enthusiastic to start your summer job and having that extra money in your pocket to either spend or save for the future, but now you have decided to leave. This can be a difficult...

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As I am coming to the end of my university experience, I have taken a trip down memory lane remembering my first and second year and how different I am today. Looking back at the person I was at the...

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Everyone has that one person that they will never live with again. As a first-year student, you find out who that is pretty quickly. From stolen food to loud kitchen parties to dirty dishes. We all...

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Starting a new job, joining a new society, moving into halls, just going outside? There are lots of times in our lives when we need to believe in ourselves, but sometimes it is easier said than...

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You have spent the last three or four years at university and most likely have got yourself into a pattern. Getting out of it can be daunting but there are many things you can do instead of going...

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