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No Room for Error

Graduate JobsJob SearchWork

When applying for multiple jobs, it's easy to get lazy and rattle off identical applications bar the odd word here or there.

When applying for multiple jobs, it's easy to get lazy and rattle off identical applications bar the odd word here or there. DO NOT DO THIS! It is incredibly important to fill out every application form with the utmost precision and attention to detail. What you may think is a perfect application may be disregarded immediately if potential employers see any mistakes in it, particularly ones that indicate that the same application has been sent to many places. Do not get lazy and always take care before hitting the 'send' button.

One of the most important things to take lots of care with when applying for jobs is your CV. Most students have a standard CV that they use for every application. To stand out, tailor your CV to the specific places you are applying for - for example only include the work experience that is relevant to the job in mind. An easy mistake is to just send your ordinary CV, without tailoring it, to every company you wish to work for. This is a decision that could seriously cost you a potential job.

Another way that candidates often go wrong is through not acting professionally. It is incredibly important to earn the job - not only through your CV, cover letter and general application, but by carefully preparing for your interview and adjusting your ego and approach so it is fitting with the company ethos. Research what to wear and facts about the company before you go for interview, as looking and sounding professional can be of equal importance to having a good CV. Many applicants forget how crucial it is to act professionally in interviews, so make sure you remember to!

Finally, avoid the old-school error of packing in the cliches to your application form: 'I am incredibly passionate', 'I am an excellent leader', 'I work well under pressure' - statements like these are BORING and will only irritate employers. You will not stand out if you stick to the expected. Think outside the box and use honest, unusual phrases without resorting to these old and stagnant cliched sentences.

So remember, there is no room for error when applying for jobs, especially in the highly competitive current job market. Tailor your CV delicately, act professionally and cut the cliches and you should be in with a good shot!

Kate, GRB Journalist

kate samuelson grb author

Kate studied English at the University of Bristol.

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