1. Sellotape
It's easy to underestimate how often you'll need sellotape as a student. At uni there's no popping downstairs to rifle through your parents' stationary. Think of all the ASOS orders you'll splurge on with your student loan that will inevitably need returning when you realise you spent all your money in Freshers' week.
2. Portable charger
This will come in handy for any trips you might take visiting friends at other universities - unless you land yourself a Virgin train, in which case you might be blessed with a seat next to a plug socket. Nonetheless, portable chargers can be a real life saver on normal days at uni. We all know when the library is rammed it's the seats next to the plug sockets that are the first to go. If your phone dies halfway through a library sesh it's very unlikely you'll stay for much longer. Separation anxiety is no joke.
3. Yoga mat
This will be helpful for those days when the thought of trekking to the gym is simply unbearable. Armed with a yoga mat, you can do home workouts in the comfort of your own room. There'll be no awkward eye contact with sweaty grunting people in the mirror of the weights section. There's also no need to change out of your PJs. Exercise made easy.
4. Wheat bag
Upgrade your hot water bottle for a wheat bag. Pop it in the microwave and this little sack can function as a second heating supply if your central heating fails. This will undoubtedly be a life saver during any kind of illness.
5. Bowl
Not a bowl for your morning cereal, mind. Putting a bowl on your desk at uni is an efficient means of staying organised. Get in the habit of putting your keys, headphones, wallet/purse and any other everyday items in said bowl every time you get in from uni. That way, you'll always know where you last left them. There'll be no more scrambling around in old jean pockets for your ID before each night out. That old banger ‘Where me keys, where me phone?' will never get stuck in your head again.
Can you think of something to add to the list? If so, tweet us: @thegrbteam
About the Author: Jasmine Bascombe is a History and American Studies student at the University of Manchester.