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Our mission: Contribute to safer and more sustainable aviation

With over 83,000 colleagues at 276 locations across 27 countries, Safran is a high-end technology group that holds market-leading positions across the aerospace, defence and space sectors.

Our core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible.

With sales of 19.0 billion euros in 2022, alone or in partnership, we hold world or regional leadership positions in core markets. Safran undertakes research and development programs to maintain the environmental priorities of its R&T and innovation roadmap with a targeted 75% of this expenditure focused on sustainability initiatives.

Joining Safran

Joining Safran means becoming a part of an international group where employees are given opportunities to develop throughout their careers. Widening your scope, managing a team, changing jobs, acquiring new skills... there are so many ways to grow at Safran!

Safran serves as a hub for open dialogues, contributing significantly to reinforcing a collective culture centred on innovation, performance and exceptional management.

With inclusive training programs available to everyone, Safran is fostering employee growth and facilitating evolution through innovative educational solutions that increasingly incorporate digital technologies.

Safran is currently recruiting graduates across a number of departments and locations, including:

  • Production
  • Operations Management
  • Finance
  • Facilities
  • Indirect Purchasing
  • HR
  • Health & Safety
  • Supply Chain

and of course Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineers.

Don't just take our word for it...

"Safran University is Safran's internal university. It's playing its part in strengthening a shared culture of innovation, performance and managerial excellence. Its comprehensive training offer is accessible to all, supporting employee development and Group transformation via innovative educational solutions in which digital technologies play a growing role. The training courses on offer cover strategic and operational subjects, as well as personal development."

— Laurie, Technician in charge of the laboratory

"First impression was 10/10, for the site visit I came down for, it was really interesting to see how everything worked, how everything was so cohesive and fluid, I really enjoyed it"

— Sankeerthan, Graduate

"As part of the Safran Graduate Programme I have access to excellent mentoring, the chance to learn about various skills and disciplines while developing skills in a supportive team."

— Femi, Process Engineering Graduate

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Graduate Scheme. I have profited greatly from the flexibility Safran has shown towards my placements to ensure it is meeting the needs of the company and my own personal ambitions for my career. The scheme feels tailor-made to my goals, strengths and weaknesses."

— Gavin, Mechanical Engineering Graduate