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Why work at FCC Environment?

Ever since Blue Planet 2, stories about climate change, the plight of our oceans and the role recycling has to play have never far from the news headlines.

It has never been a more critical time to consider a career in waste management and environmental services.

And there as never been a better time to join us.

The pressures on local authorities and businesses to reduce waste, recycle more, and increase re-use and recovery are now critical and we need people who can help us meet the challenge of turning waste into resource.

Our Vision

As FCC Environment we are committed to being custodians of our environment and we go much further to deliver on our promises.

We have a Vision for how we want our company to develop and grow. We want our customers - both existing and potential - to see us in a certain way and to think of us and us alone when they want high quality, wide ranging and good value environmental services.

We want our current people to feel proud of working with the best in the business and for prospective employees to aspire to joining us.

We want them to trust us as a company which takes into consideration the environment - the well-being of the planet we all live on - not just for now, but for future generations.

We want them to see us as the environmental company of choice, delivering change for a sustainable future.

Our Strategy

Put simply, we collect waste - from businesses, local authorities and households - and process it to ensure we fully realise its potential as a resource. Our customers are local authorities and businesses who turn to FCC Environment to help them deal with their waste as efficiently as possible - and in a way which meets all statutory and regulatory requirements.

We operate in five key areas:

  • Business waste solutions
  • Municipal services
  • Recycling and composting
  • Green energy
  • Waste processing

What can we offer you?

At FCC Environment, we have a lot to offer our employees.  We know we will be able to achieve our company vision if our people are happy in their work and have everything they need to give their best.

We invest in you - in your talent and potential (for your benefit and ours).  We challenge you to achieve more than you think you can.  We encourage you – there’s nothing we like better than seeing someone progress - it helps your career and our business.  We keep you safe.

We hold our Values and Behaviours dear and expect our team to live up to our standards: